Case studies
Have a browse through some of our case studies to get a feel for how we work. The names of these children have been changed to maintain confidentiality.
Meet Jed
Jed has a very special and ongoing package of support from Now, Next & Then
Meet Polly
Polly was born very early and has a range of sensory and co-ordination challenges
Meet George
George was having huge difficulties with handwriting and confidence
Kelly’s Story
Specialist Parent support helped Kelly following her daughter’s diagnosis of autism
Meet Arthur
Arthur had to navigate school life with a Coordination Disorder and ADHD
Meet Esme
Esme is autistic and is currently unable to attend school having hit ‘autistic burnout’.
Meet Milo
Milo has Developmental Coordination Disorder and has regular support from his OT
Meet Caris
Caris is a child with Down’s Syndrome who is helped in all sorts of practical ways
Meet Lewis
Lewis meets with his Autism Advocacy & Support Specialist weekly
Meet Lucy
Lucy has ADHD and hypermobility; she has poor coordination and sensory needs
Claire & Tony’s Story
Parent support for a child with learning difficulties
Meet Adam
An autistic child who struggled with the move from primary to secondary schooling