Jed’s story
Jed has a very special and ongoing package of support from Now, Next & Then
Jed first met his Occupational Therapist when he was just four years old. He had been experiencing challenges in school but no one quite knew why or how to help. It transpired that he had some wonderful strengths in some of his developmental skills which meant that drawing and learning to write were not a challenge. He had great visual perception too, which meant he was great at spotting visual information across a room; he was also brilliant at ‘I spy’! The challenges he was experiencing appeared to stem from his sensory processing. Jed was a child who sought huge amounts of vestibular and proprioceptive feedback which meant he loved to spin, run, bang and crash for extra body awareness. Before these things were explained it was thought by his school staff that he was behaving in a way that was, at times, undesirable. The Occupational Therapist quickly teased this apart and explained what Jed’s daily experience was like for him and gave advice on how to support and differentiate so that his sensory responses were better accommodated and therefore able to be better regulated. Jed’s parents were given additional guidance and, with support, Jed went on to have his autism identified soon afterwards. Jed has been supported by the Occupational Therapist ever since.
Jed’s journey through school has not been a smooth one. His original school placement broke down in Year 4 when a change of staff resulted in his challenges being totally misunderstood (not Jed’s fault at all) and as a result, Jed’s distress escalated. The Occupational Therapist was able to explain the correlation between heightened emotion (in this case anxiety) and escalated sensory responses. She stepped up the advocacy being offered as well as the frequency of visits because Jed found himself ‘between schools’. The Occupational Therapist liaised directly with the LA and guided advice on which would be a good fit school for Jed to move to.
With a history of school-based anxiety/trauma a collaborative approach was needed to help Jed to literally get ‘through the school door’. Jed’s parents, new school staff, the Local Authority and NNT worked closely together to settle him into school. The Occupational Therapist’s role was essential in explaining and guiding how best to help Jed with his emotional and sensory responses to the stresses the school day brought. She has been intrinsically involved in settling him into school, enabling him to access learning after almost a year out of school, and above all, helping him to feel safe in the school environment.
The Occupational Therapist brought one of the NNT Autism Advocacy & Support Specialists on board and both now provide weekly input to support and maintain Jed’s successful participation and growing inclusion. Initially, he could manage just half an hour at school; this has now increased to five hours a day and there is a plan in place to make each day a whole day.
Jed’s sensory and emotional needs are now - on the whole - well regulated and key staff have been coached by the Occupational Therapist to know how to ‘mind read’ (a skill Jed says the OT has) if or when he starts to feel overwhelmed, emotionally distressed or sensorily challenged. A safe place at school provides a natural retreat and this, alongside functional strategies, are proving reliably helpful.
Jed is an absolute delight to work with and to see him succeed in line with his confidence growing, has been a complete pleasure to observe. Jed tells his Occupational Therapist he is proud of his achievements and certainly, Jed is frequently told how proud the Occupational Therapist is of him! This support is ongoing.
Jed’s situation is one where professional, in-depth knowledge of child development, sensory processing, emotional and mental health has proven to be essential in optimising not only his support package, but also the advocacy role that Now, Next & Then is renowned for providing. A truly bespoke package of support based on a foundation of genuine care.
• Jed •
“Thank you for helping me with my schools and mind reading and making it better.”
• Jed’s Mum •